Memorandum and Articles ofAssociation of the Pakistan Association of Pathologists
Including all amendments approved by the General Body Meeting of PAP on 30-1 1-2007
Aims and Objectives:(Back to Top)
- To promote the advancement of Pathology by co-operation with allied sciences, by the encouragement of research, by the improvement of teaching and technical methods, through scientific meetings in affiliation with other national and international organizations which will help in furthering the above mentioned aim and to represent the viewpoints of Pathologist in national and international fora.
- The Association shall be non-political and non-sectarian body and the scope of its activities shall be exclusively confined to the aims and objects of the Association. Under no circumstances, the Association shall be used for any political, commercial or individual interest.
Articles of Association:
- NAME (Back to Top)
The Name of Association shall be, THE PAKISTAN ASSOCIATION OF PATHOLOGISTS abbreviated as PAP.
The Offices of the Association shall be located at the following places:
- The Registered office of the Association shall be at PMA House, Garden Road, Karachi. B.
- The Central office and archives of the Association shall be located in the Federal Capital area. C.
- The working office of the PAP will reside with the Secretary / Treasurer of the Association.
MEMBERSHIP (Back to Top)
A. Junior Members: Junior Members shall consist of those who possess an M.B.B.S; or B.D.S; or a degree in medicine equated by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council and who have a minimum of one year experience in Pathology. Junior Membership shall be limited to a maximum period of four years, at which time this membership shall automatically change to full membership on payments of requisite dues.
B. Associate Members: Associate Members shall consist of those who possess an M.B.B.S; or B.D.S; a degree in medicine equated from an institution recognized by PMDC and who are not engaged in Pathology or Allied Health Biological Sciences but who have demonstrated an active interest in Pathology or Allied Health Biological Sciences. Associate Member will not vote or hold any office of the Association but may be appointed to Committees.
C. Members: Members shall consist of:
i. Those who possess an M.B.B.S; or B.D.S; or a degree in medicine equated by PMDC and minimum of FIVE years of training and/or experience in Pathology and /or hold postgraduate degree/diploma in any branch of Pathology.
ii. Those with Masters or higher degrees •e.g. PhD etc. in any branch of Pathology and are eligible to become Professor of Pathology as per PMDC rules.
D Honorary Members: Honorary Members shall consist of persons distinguished for eminent services to Medicine / Science / Benevolence, who have demonstrated an interest to the cause of pathology and to PAP. Honorary Members may not hold any office but can be appointed to the Committees.
E Emeritus Members: Emeritus Membership may be considered for senior Members who have been in good standing for at least 10 years and who have attained the age of 65 years. They may not hold any office but can be appointed to the Committees.
F. Corresponding Members: Corresponding Members shall consist of those who fulfill the conditions for membership as defined in para 3(C) above, but are residing outside Pakistan.
G. Annual Membership Dues: The annual and other membership dues of the Association shall be fixed by the Executive Council and shall be payable in advance, within 60 days of the postal date of the notice. i. Members in default for two years will be given a final notice of four weeks to clear their dues. In case of failure to comply, he/she forfeits the Association Membership automatically. ii. Reinstatement of Membership: Any such member may be reinstated on payment of an additional levy of Rs.1000 along with all the outstanding dues. iii. If any such Member applies for Life Membership he/she may be considered for the same only after complying with the provisions laid down in Clause 3-G-ii.
H. Exemption from Dues: Honorary and Emeritus Members shall be exempted from annual dues. I. Vote: Associate and Honorary Members are not entitled to vote. All other types of members shall be eligible to vote. Junior Members shall only vote for the election of Junior Councillor.
4. ELECTION OF NEW MEMBERS: (Back to Top)A. All applications for new membership on a prescribed form will have a proposer and a seconder, both of whom should be in good standing. B All new membership will be approved by a simple majority of the Executive Council members present in the meeting.
A. The Officers of the Association shall be:
i. President
ii. President Elect
iii. Secretary -Treasurer
iv. Secretary-Treasurer Elect
B. Councillors
- There shall be a total of eleven Councillors, two Councillors from each of the four provinces, two Councillors from the Federal Group and one Councillor from Junior Members.
- The Federal Group shall comprise of Armed Forces, Federally Administered Tribal Areas [FATA], Federally Administered Northern Areas [FANA], Federal Capital [Islamabad] and Azad Jammu & Kashmir [AJN.
C. Executive Council: The following shall constitute the Executive Council: i. President ii. President Elect iii. Immediate Past President iv. Secretary -Treasurer v. Secretary-Treasurer Elect vi. Councillors vii. Chairpersons of all the Standing Committees constituted from time to time for their particular tenure. viii. The Coordinator of all Local Chapters of PAP will be non-voting members of the Executive Council. ix. One nominee from each of the specialist Societies of Pathology, as mentioned in Clause 9-B-viii. Whenever nominated, they will add to the existing number of eleven (11) Councilors as mentioned in Clause 5-B and such Councillors will enjoy full voting rights and will be part of quorum for the Executive Council meetings.
- Officers and ten Councillors shall be nominated by any member of the Association in good standing on the nomination form supplied by the Election Officer as per mode of election described in detail in clause 11-B-iv provided the consent of the nominee has been obtained.
- The election for the eleventh Councillor shall be from Junior Members only and he / she shall be elected from amongst them by nomination by Junior Members, in the manner described above for the other ten Councillors.
A. The term of office of the President shall be for TWO years and he / she may not be eligible for re-election for the same post for two consecutive terms.
B. President Elect: President Elect will be elected by members in good standing. This post will rotate between the four provinces and the Federal group in the following sequence..
i. Baluchistan.
ii. Federal Group. (Includes Armed Forces, Federally Administered Tribal Areas [FATA], Federally Administered Northern Areas [FANAJ, Federal Capital [Islamabad] and Azad Jammu & Kashmir [AJN).
iii. Sind
iv. Punjab
v. NWFP.
C. The candidates for the post of President Elect must fulfill the following conditions.
i. He / she must be a domicile of the province from where he /she are nominated.
ii. The candidate must have resided continuously for a period of 3 years in the province from where nominated.
iii. If a candidate nominated from the Federal Group is from the Armed Forces then he/she should not only be a serving officer of the Armed Forces but should not be due for retirement in the next four years i.e. during his/her tenure as President Elect and later as President.
vi. In case no candidate is nominated from the respective region, the next region on the sequence list given above in Clause 7-B would become eligible to nominate the candidate for the post of President Elect.
v. He/she should be a member in good standing for a minimum of past eight consecutive years and must have served as a Councilor of PAP or a Chairperson of a Standing Committee/Organizing Committee of PAP.
vi. He/she should have attended a minimum of four past conferences of PAP and four Annual General Body Meetings.
vii The term of office of the Secretary-Treasurer shall be for TWO years and he / she shall be eligible for re-election but will not contest for more than two terms consecutively.
D The term of office of the Secretary-Treasurer Elect shall be for TWO years and he / she shall be eligible for re-election but will not contest for more than two terms consecutively.
- Secretary-Treasurer Elect should preferably be from the same place as that of the President Elect.
- The Secretary-Treasurer Elect must be elected as a panel at the same time as the election of the President Elect.
- The candidates for the post of Secretary-Treasurer Elect must fulfill, the following conditions.
a. He/she must be a member in good standing for a minimum of the past four consecutive years and must have been a Councillor for at least one term.
b. He/she should have attended a minimum of three past conferences of the PAP and three Annual General Body meetings.
c. He/She should have the prior approval of the President Elect with whom he/she is going to serve as Secretary-Treasurer.
F Councillors: Councillors shall be elected for a period of TWO years. He/she shall be eligible for re-election but will not contest / or be co-opted for more than two terms consecutively.
- In case there is no nomination for the post of Councillor from a province, the incumbent shall continue to serve on the Council for not more than one more term (a total of two terms). If there is still no nomination during the next elections, the Council may co-opt any other member preferably from the same province.
- Nominee of the Societies of Pathologists affiliated to PAP as described in Clause 9- B-viii will also be- appointed as Councillor.
8. DUTIES OF OFFICERS: (Back to Top)
A. The Executive Council shall formulate policies and shall authorize the disbursement of the Association Funds for ordinary business.
B. The President and Secretary-Treasurer shall discharge the duties usually assigned to these officers.
C. The Council shall appoint such permanent and temporary committees as are necessary for the proper administration of the Association’s affairs.
- The Secretary-Treasurer shall get the accounts and reports of the Local Chapters by August 31, to be included in the annual audit and report.
- The Secretary-Treasurer shall submit to the Executive Council meeting to be held before the General Body Meeting, a report of all transactions since the last meeting and financial report duly audited by a Chartered Accountant. He/she shall also submit an estimated budget for the approval of the Executive Council at the meeting before the General Body Meeting.
- The Secretary-Treasurer, in consultation with the President, shall arrange all meetings.
- The Secretary-Treasurer will ensure the availability of an adequate number of copies of the Constitution in an Executive Committee or a General Body Meeting as a ready reference during the course of a discussion.
- Within one month of the Executive Committee meeting, the Secretary-Treasurer will inform all the members regarding important decisions taken in the Executive Committee meetings.
- The Secretary-Treasurer will mail the minutes of the General Body meeting to all the members not later than one month after the meeting.
- A notice of the General Body Meeting along with the agenda will be sent by the Secretary-Treasurer no later than one month before the meeting.
- The Secretary-Treasurer will keep the President informed of all the above actions.
9. MEETINGS: (Back to Top)
A. The program of the Annual Meetings shall consist of three parts:
i. The Executive Council shall meet at least one day before the General Body Meeting of the Association and take, action on such matters as are brought to its notice.
II The General Body Meeting of the Association shall include:
a. The Secretary-Treasurer’s report including a summary of the report of Chief Editor PJP and all its subsidiary bodies.
b. The election of Officers and Councilors as per Clause 11.
c. Approval of the annual balance sheet including the Local Chapter_balance sheets d. Consideratioin of such business as may be required. The meeting will be presided over by the President of PAP but in his absence President Elect will preside. In case both are absent then any senior member designated by the President will preside.
iii The Scientific Meeting: The Scientific Meeting will be open only to the registered participants. Iv Annual Dinner will be a part of the PAP annual meeting paid-for by the members. B. The Executive Council Meetings: i. The term of office of the Council shall begin from 1′ January of the year following the election year.
Ii The first meeting of the Executive Council with new Office bearers must be held before the end of February.
a. It must be mandatory for the out-going and in-coming Officers i.e. Presidents and Secretary I Treasurers to attend the first meeting
b. The relevant documents and bank accounts must be handed over to the new officers during the first meeting.
iii. The Executive Council may be called into extra-ordinary session by the President to transact such business as is necessary to meeting emergencies.
iv. The Executive Council may co-opt interim officers or councillors to fill vacancies occurring by death or resignation as mentioned in Clause 12. All actions of the Executive Council under these circumstances are taken in the name of the Association, and the Secretary shall notify members of such actionis.
- An extra-ordinary meeting of the Executive Council may also be requisitioned by a written request to the President, signed by four Councillors.
- At least four meetings should be held preferably in separate Chapters in each year. The meeting held along with the Annual General Body meeting may be included in this count.
- If a Councillor does not attend three (3) consecutive meetings, the Executive Council may co-opt another member preferably from the same province.
- To facilitate co-ordination and co-operation, the specialized Societies of Pathologists like Hematology, Chemical Pathology, Medical Microbiology etc. may be invited to get affiliated with the PAP. These Societies may be offered to nominate one Councilor each for the Executive Council who would be treated equally with other Councilors.
C Extraordinary General Body Meeting: An extraordinary general body meeting may be called by the president if:
I The Executive Council recommends for it
Ii A minimum of fifty members in the good standing request for it in writing with their individual signatures.
D. Meeting of various Committees: The various Committees formed from time to time may meet as and when required.
A. A quorum of the Executive Council shall consist of four of whom; at least one shall be an Officer. Co-ordinators of Local Chapters and Non Councillor Chairmen of various committees shall not form part of the quorum.
B. A quorum at a General Body Meeting of the Association shall consist of twenty percent (20%) of the total members of the Association in good standing of whom; at least one shall be an Officer.
C If a quorum is not completed within half an hour of the timeline for the General Body Meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the day, place and time to be fixed by the President of the General Body Meeting and the quorum for such a meeting shall be 10% of total members in good standing of the Association.
D. In any situation where votes are cast and there is a tie in the result, the President or the Presiding Officer of such a meeting will have the casting vote.
A. A Standing Committee of four members shall be constituted for holding elections. The President Elect and the Secretary-Treasurer will be the ex-officio members of the committee. Two additional members will be elected by the General Body. The term of this Standing Committee shall terminate automatically after completion of the entire process of a particular election for which it is constituted.
B. The Committee will conduct the election of officers and members of the Council in accordance with the following procedure:
i. By 30th April in the election year, a final reminder will be sent to all those members whose dues are outstanding, warning them that if these are not cleared by 30th June, they will not be eligible to take part in the election process or vote.
ii. On August 1 (or next working day in case of a holiday) in the election year, nominations will be invited for the posts falling vacant on 31st December of that year. The notice inviting nominations will be sent to the members in good standing (HAVE NO OUTSTANDING DUES AGAINST THEM on 30th June in the election year). A list of eligible members will be sent along with the notice inviting nominations.
iii. Junior Members shall only contest election and vote for the seat reserved for Junior Members.
iv. All nominations must be proposed and seconded by members in good standing (as defined in para 11,B, ii above) and must have the written consent of the nominee who must also be an eligible member (as defined in para 11, B, ii above).
v. September 1 (or next working day in case of a holiday) in the election year will be the last date for the receipt of nominations. vi. October 1 (or next working day in case of a holiday) in the election year will be the last date for withdrawal of nomination papers, after which the names of all the candidates whose nominations have been found in order will be put up on the ballot paper.
vii. Voting shall be held only in case the number of eligible candidates exceeds the number of vacancies. In case of only one valid nomination for a post, he/she shall stand elected unopposed.
viii. If no valid nomination is received for a vacancy within the specified time, the following procedure would be followed for their respective posts. a. In the case of the President Elect: A new President Elect must be elected by postal ballot. If there would be a delay, in holding the election, the serving President must continue in office till the due course of election is completed, which should not exceed three months. b. In the case of Secretary-Treasurer Elect: A new Secretary-Treasurer Elect will be co-opted with the discretion of his/her corresponding President Elect but keeping in mind conditions mentioned under Clause-E. c. In case of Councillor/s: Follow Clause 7-F.
ix. Ballot papers will be sent to all eligible members as defined in para 11, B, ii above.
x. The letter containing the postal ballot must be received on or before the last date specified by the election officer, at the time of calling nomination. The date of dispatch of the letter containing the postal ballot will not be accepted as the date of receipt of the ballot paper. xi. Ballot papers will be returned in the envelopes supplied for this purpose.
a. The inner envelope will contain the ballot paper and must be sealed. This envelope shall not carry any identifying marks.
b. The outer envelope, which will also be issued by the Election Officer, will be used by the voter for mailing the ballot paper contained in the sealed inner envelope back to the Election Officer. This outer envelope will show the name and address of the voting member.
c. Both these envelopes will be placed in the outermost envelope and mailed to the voting member for casting his/her vote.
xii. The name of the voting member, as shown on the outer envelope, will be checked against the list of members eligible to vote and ticked. After this, the outer envelopes will be opened and the sealed inner envelope containing the ballot paper will be put in a special container or bag, the inside of which had been shown to the candidates or their agents beforehand. After placing all the inner envelopes containing the ballot papers, the container/bag will be shaken up to mix the envelopes before being opened for counting. This is to ensure that the ballot remains secret.
xiii. If a voters’ name does not appear on the outer envelope, the inner sealed envelope containing the vote will be rejected/disregarded.
xiv. Those members who are present in the General Body but their postal ballot has either not been received by the deadline, on the address prescribed by the Election Officer or has failed to cast his/her vote by mail, may request the presiding officer to issue a separate ballot paper and they will be allowed to cast their vote.
xv. All the inner envelopes containing the ballot papers received shall be opened by the Presiding Officer at the time of the counting in the presence of the candidates or their duly nominated representatives. If neither the candidate nor his representative is present for the meeting scheduled for counting of votes, the counting and declaration of result will proceed with all those present and the objection, if any, shall be deemed to have been waived.
xvi. Ballot papers, which are signed or identifiable or are ambiguous, will be rejected in whole or in part, and the decision of the presiding officer in this behalf shall be final. Condoning of minor discrepancy shall be at the discretion of the Presiding Officer.
A member of the Council or Officer may resign by giving notice in writing to the President,. who shall place the matter before the next meeting of the Executive Council for decision. The Council will. follow the procedures described below for each post.
- In case of resignation or death of the President, the President Elect will take over as President for the remaining term in addition to fulfill the term for which he/she is elected.
- In case of resignation or death of the President Elect:
A new President Elect must be elected by postal ballot, to fill the vacancy and then to continue as President. In case the vacancy occurs at a time when his/her term of office is due to start the serving President must continue in office till the emergency situation of re-election is completed which should not exceed three months.
C. In case of resignation or death of the Secretary-Treasurer, a new Secretary-Treasurer will be co-opted with the discretion of the serving President.
D In case of resignation or death of a Council Member, the Executive Council may co-opt any member of the Association as outlined in Clause 7-E, to fill the un-expired portion of the term of the Council Member. Any person who ceases to be an Officer for any reason shall ipso facto cease to be a Member of the Council.
A. A proposed amendment should first be sent to the Coordinator of the relevant Local Chapter from where the amendment is originating and discussed among its members.
B. If there is no Local Chapter in the city then it should be forwarded through the Local Chapter of a nearest city where a joint meeting of members of both the cities should deliberate on it.
C If approved by a simple majority of those attending the meeting, the Coordinator will forward the recommended amendment to the Secretary-Treasurer, latest by August 31 for consideration of the Executive Council for further action as laid down in the Constitution.
D In case the proposed amendment is received after August 31 then it would be returned to the concerned Coordinator of the Local Chapter for re-presentation in the following year.
E The proposed amendments must be discussed by the Executive Council in the next Council meeting to be held as early as possible, and its recommendations adopted by a simple majority shall be circulated to all the members of PAP for an appraisal at least one month before the General Body Meeting.
F Those members who wish to discuss any point regarding the amendment in the General Body meeting must send a written request quoting the clause/item to be discussed, to be received by the Secretary-Treasurer not later than seven days before the General Body Meeting.
G. Discussion will be permitted only on the clauses for which prior permission has been requested for and the rest of the amendments for which no written objection has been received will be deemed to have been approved by the General Body.A two-third (2/3) majority of the voting members in good standing shall be required for adoption of the proposed amendments.
Neither the office bearers of the Association nor any member of the Council shall be responsible for anything done, omitted to be done, or suffered in good faith hereunder, and the Office Bearers, Officers and Members of the Council aforesaid, shall be entitled to be indemnified against any action, cost claim, damages, expenses or demands and to be reimbursed out of funds of the Association or any part thereof.
15. DRAWING OF FUNDS: (Back to Top)
A. All income received by the Association, whether from fees or from other sources, shall vest in the Association and shall be kept in the name of the Association in an account in a scheduled bank. This account shall be operated under the joint signatures of the President and the Secretary-Treasurer (or the Secretary-Treasurer alone, if the President does not reside with the working office), however, all the transactions shall be approved by the President on three monthly basis. However, in case of an emergency, the President or the Secretary-Treasurer can draw up to Rs.5,000/=, which must be approved in the next Executive Council Meeting.
B All funds generated for a specific purpose must be used for that specific purpose only or refunded to the donors. A separate balance sheet must be maintained for such an account and be presented along with the PAP accounts.
16. AUDIT AND ACCOUNTS: (Back to Top)
A. An Audit of the accounts of the Association shall be held annually by a Chartered Accountant to be appointed at the Annual General Body meeting. These accounts must include the accounts of any funds generated specially for a specific purpose. The certified accounts of the Association, attested by three members of the Executive Council, to be a true copy, shall be produced at the Annual General Body Meeting.
B Accounts of the Annual Conference held during the previous year must be presented to the Central Office not later than three months after the completion of the conference. If the accounts are not presented by the time then the Executive Council may debar the Chairman and Secretary of the Organizing Committee of that particular conference from holding any office in the Association for a minimum period of ten years and also be stripped off of any office held by him/her. If the accounts are not presented by the time of the Annual General Body Meeting then the Council reserves the right to take legal action against the Chairman and Secretary of the Organizing Committee of that particular conference.
17. LOCAL CHAPTERS: (Back to Top)
A. Any city having ten or more than ten PAP members may form local chapter of PAP.
B. All cities that have a medical college must have a local chapter. C.
A Coordinator would be elected by the local members to run the Local Chapter for a period of two years. The central office of PAP will be informed of the name and address of the Coordinator within two weeks of the local chapter elections.
D The Local Coordinators may form committees, etc. to assist them in running the affairs of Local Chapters.
E. Twenty percent (20%) of the annual subscription/life membership fee of the PAP members from a Local Chapter would be remitted back to that local chapter by the Central Office once a year. This contribution can not be deducted by the Local Chapter automatically.
F Forty percent (40%) of savings from an annual conference arranged by a Local Chapter on behalf of the PAP would be remitted to the central office of PAP within one year of the holding of the conference.
G. Local Chapters will keep the President I Secretary well informed of their activities.
H. Any chapter not holding a minimum of three meetings in a year will cease to receive its share from the annual/life membership dues.
J. Local Chapters will submit a report and an audited balance sheet annually to the central office of PAP not later than September 30.
K. Local Chapter will not raise funds in the name of the central PAP unless specifically authorized by the Executive Council to do so.
An Advisory Body of all Past Presidents may be constituted to help extend the benefit of their rich experience to the Executive Council. This Advisory Body must meet at the time of the Annual General Body Meeting or whenever requested by the serving President.
Permanent Committees may be formed to streamline the relationship of the Association with certain organizations and to carry out specific tasks assigned to them. These Committees may consist of 3-5 members and be for a period of five years. New members may be added or removed by the President, with the approval of the Executive Council.
A. PAP will publish an official journal, which will be called the “Pakistan Journal of Pathology” (PJP). The journal will be published quarterly in the beginning but later on it will be converted to a monthly publication.
B The Editorial Board of PJP will comprise of the following: i. Chief Editor One ii. Editor One iii. Associate Editors Three iv. Editorial Board Twelve to Twenty Four
C. The Chief Editor will be appointed by the Executive Council. He/she will nominate the Editor, Associate Editors and the Members of the “Editorial Board” to be approved by the Executive Council later.
D. The Chief Editor must possess the following qualifications:
i. Be a member of the Association, in good standing.
ii. Be a Professor or holding an appointment equivalent to a Professor in a teaching institution.
iii. Must have published at least 15 (Fifteen) papers in PMDC approved national/international Journals.
E. The Editor must possess the following qualifications:
i. Be members of the Association, in good standing.
ii. Have experience/interest in medical writing and research.
iii. Have published at least 10 papers in PMDC approved national / International Journals.
F The Chief Editor will send an annual report to the President PAP, one month before the general body meeting.
G. Associate Editors must possess the following: i. Be full Members of the Association, in good standing. ii. Have experience/interest in medical writing and research. iii. Have published at least 5 papers in PMDC approved National or International Journals.
H. Composition and qualifications of the Members of the Editorial Board will be:
i. All sub-specialties of pathology must be represented in the editorial board.
ii. The Member should have significant research publications in the specialty, which he/she represents.
iii. A Member of the Editorial Board may not be a member of the Association of Pathologists.
J Permanent office of the PJP will be located in the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Rawalpindi.
K. The Tenure of Office Bearers of the PJP would be:
i. Chief Editor 02 Years ii. Editor 03 Years
iii Associate Editors 02 Years
iv. Members of Editorial Board 02 Years L. The Journal will be financed through:
i. A part of the PAP membership Fee to be paid annually by the PAP Central Office. (Initially, it will be Rs.20,000, which may be reviewed later by the Executive Council of the PAP).
ii. Subscriptions from Non-members I Associations / Institutions.
iii. Advertisements iv. Donations M The Editor, in addition to his editorial duties, will be responsible for:
- Printing of the Journal.
- Keeping Accounts of the Journal.
- Sanctioning of the Bills for payment.
- Collection of funds.
- Charge of the PJP Office.
N Duties of the Members of the Editorial Board would be:
- Chief Editor / Editor will be responsible for the collection, scrutiny, review from the Members of the Editorial Board, / Reviewers and final selection of the articles for publication
- Assistant Editors will assist the Chief Editor / Editor in performance of their duties
- Members of the Editprial Board / Reviewers will be responsible for reviewing the articles and recommendation about the suitability of for publication. (Back to Top)