1. Applicability of Code of Ethics
1.1. The code of ethics will be binding on the CPP and all its Fellows/Members. All
Members and Fellows will sign a pledge to this effect
1.2. It will be notified and will be made available to all pathologists and others on the
College website /College office. Any changes, when made, will be incorporated
1.3. It can be complied by all pathologists, not part of the College, as a guideline for appropriate conduct.
2. No Rights Created
2.1. This Code is a statement of certain fundamental principles, policies and procedures that govern the College, its personnel as well as pathologists in general. It is not intended to and does not create any rights in any employee, customer, supplier, competitor, shareholder or any other person or entity
3.1. Personal and Professional integrity is the most important and crucial requirement if a credible and ethical Pathology service has to be provided for our patients.
3.2. CPP and all pathologists will promote values of Truth, Accuracy and Accountability in their professional and personal dealings.
3.3. Accuracy of all information will be ensured. Any attempt to conceal, fabricate, falsify or misrepresent is not permissible.
4.1. Self and organizational accountability are paramount elements for constant improvement, growth and Quality Assurance. Muslims are committed to instill the highest zeal, sprit and confidence guided by the superb ethical and moral guidelines as enshrined in Quran-e-Majeed and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). Similarly those who practice other faiths have their own set of high values which they follow.
4.2. We are responsible for all our professional acts to all those who have placed faith in Pathology and CPP. They comprise not only our Members and Fellows but also lay public, physicians, donors and our patients. We must also remember that we are answerable above all to Allah Ta’lah for our every act.
4.3. It will be ensured that mechanisms are devised to monitor and promote good management of all available financial and manpower resources at the disposal of CPP or as individual pathologists.
4.4. All local and national laws and regulations that govern the practice of medicine in the country will be followed faithfully
5.1. No judgment on any professional activity should be compromised or seen to be compromised by personal or financial considerations. All decisions should solely be made in the interest of the patient.
5.2. All known or potential conflicts of interest in any matter would be disclosed to stakeholders.
6.1. It is sometimes necessary to disseminate information to public about pathology and its role in patient care. It, however, would not be used to project personal or business interests.
6.2. The advertising in print /electronic media would conform to the high standard expected of a physician. It would be confined to announcements about start, cessation and change in practice or address.
6.3. Nameplates, Signboards and business cards would not be large/flashy or misleading.
6.4. In case of any doubt, opinion of the Ethics Committee will be sought.
7.1. Our aim is serving humanity and welfare of the patient through better diagnosis and disease management. Any selfish interest will be subordinated to this goal. Pathologists and industry have common interest in provision of suitable and affordable products for patient welfare. They need to work closely to attain this end. We strongly endorse the following positions.
7.2. Coercive practices for fund raising are not permitted. Kickbacks, fee splitting, commissions, gratifications, both giving and receiving are forbidden.
7.3. A Pathologist would be expected to select products and equipment for purchase for their institutions by employing independent and impartial judgment.
7.4. They should not accept any financial support, equipment or gifts for personal use from the supply firm.
8.1. All patients as well as colleagues will be accorded respect and consideration at all times.
8.2. Any criticism of a colleague would be within limits of decency and never in front of a patient.
8.3. Diversity will be encouraged in all activities
8.4. No tolerance would be shown for any form of discrimination or harassment based on race, language, color creed, religion, gender or financial standing
9.1. There is implicit understanding that any information divulged by or about a patient will not be communicated in an unauthorized manner. We should therefore
9.2. Maintain the confidentiality of all personal, medical and treatment information
9.3. If any such Information is to be revealed, it must be with consent of the patient or his authorized representative.
9.4. Such disclosure would however be permissible for fulfilling legal requirements or for the benefit of the patient
9.5. Disclosure should not be beyond what is required
9.6. College Fellows/Members must also maintain the confidentiality of among other things: all non-public information regarding CPP, its business, donors, stakeholders, programs, and projects.
9.7. The laboratory reports and records of the patient should only be released to a third party by written consent of patient/authorized representative or if required by Law.
10.1. In great majority of cases within purview of a pathologist, written informed consent may not be required in all cases. The patient reporting for test in a lab would indicate implied consent. However when invasive procedures like bone marrow aspiration/biopsy, fine needle aspirations are involved, the patient will be fully explained the procedure and its implication
11.1. The well being of the patient is of paramount importance. A pathologist will therefore willingly secure a second opinion from professional colleagues about any issue if he himself does not feel confidant.
11.2. He will also be expected to provide all material under his possession or control for such opinion if a request is made by the referring physician, the patient or a court of law.
11.3. While giving second opinion, care would be exercised neither to affect the reputation of the original consultant nor any attempt would be made to secure any business or personal advantage.
12.1. It is the duty of the Pathologist to provide protection to the life and well being of any human subject included in the research project.
12.2. Animals and other living objects will also be treated in a humane manner strictly according to established standards.
12.3. All subjects will be informed about the aims, methodology and possible hazards if any.
12.4. The subjects would be afforded opportunity to withdraw from the project if they so desire.
12.5. The result of research whether favorable or not will not be suppressed.
12.6. It would not be appropriate to use name for a project or publication in a manner which is disproportionate to its contribution.
12.7. It would guide students and clinicians toward proper scientific and unbiased diagnostic and research methodologies aiming at improvement in overall scientific knowledge and its proper use.
12.8. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable
13.1. All pathologists and staff working for them would ensure that all laboratory samples, tissue and all human and animal remains are treated with due respect at all times
14.1The use of Pathology and all its specialties is dedicated for the welfare of patients and of all mankind only. Its employment for any other purpose which could cause harm is not permissible.
15.1 CPP, its Fellows and Members will also comply with any code of ethics for medical profession approved by the College.